.. _atom-and-hydrogen-introduction: ****************************** Atom and Hydrogen Introduction ****************************** What is Atom? ============= .. image:: https://seeklogo.com/images/A/atom-logo-19BD90FF87-seeklogo.com.png :target: https://seeklogo.com/images/A/atom-logo-19BD90FF87-seeklogo.com.png :alt: Atom Logo **"A hackable text editor for the 21st Century."** *- Atom's slogan* Atom is a popular and highly customizable text file editor, most commonly used to write code. Text Editor vs. IDE ------------------- Programmers choose to write their code in one of two kinds of programs, each with different features: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Text Editor - IDE (Integrated Development Environment) * - Like `Notepad++ `_ - Like `Eclipse `_ * - Fast - Run code in the IDE * - Takes up less space - Restructure messy code * - - Check code syntax * - - *And many more...* Atom starts out as a blazingly fast text editor with unlimited customization. Because of that, you can install exactly how many plug-ins you need to add features that are normally unique to IDE's, allowing you to strike the balance between a text editor and an IDE. Why use Atom? ------------- * Atom works well with `Git `_ and `Github `_\ , which serve a similar purpose as Google Drive, but for code. * Atom is open source, fulfilling AguaClara's commitment to open source technology. * Atom can be automatically customized to be ready for use in AguaClara. * Atom lets you collaborate with other team members on the same document in real time, much like with Google Drive. We've omitted an Atom-specific tutorial because it's so easy to use. But if you want to learn more about Atom, check out the `Atom Flight Manual `_. Markdown in Atom ---------------- Atom is useful for editing Markdown files and preview them nicely: #. Open **Atom** and open an already existing Markdown file or create one using the ``.md`` extension. #. Press ``Ctrl + Shift + M`` to open a formatted preview on the right. * If a preview didn't show up, review the instructions on :ref:`installing-on-macos` or :ref:`installing-on-windows`. All Markdown files are simply **text files with the ``.md`` file extension**. What is Hydrogen? ================= .. image:: https://camo.githubusercontent.com/a0076b9d69ea4b02d89c95a611140debd250b9962a11946de2315a91ec2ced87/68747470733a2f2f63646e2e7261776769742e636f6d2f6e7465726163742f687964726f67656e2f31376564613234352f7374617469632f616e696d6174652d6c6f676f2e737667 :target: https://camo.githubusercontent.com/a0076b9d69ea4b02d89c95a611140debd250b9962a11946de2315a91ec2ced87/68747470733a2f2f63646e2e7261776769742e636f6d2f6e7465726163742f687964726f67656e2f31376564613234352f7374617469632f616e696d6174652d6c6f676f2e737667 :alt: Hydrogen Logo **An Atom package that lets you run Python code within Markdown files.** If you have previous experience with Jupyter Notebooks, you'll find many of the same features with Hydrogen: * Running code interactively * Checking data from experiments * Performing calculations * Drawing data plots Why use Hydrogen? ----------------- * Hydrogen allows you to complement the information in your reports with Python code. * Hydrogen and Python are open source, fulfilling AguaClara's devotion to open source software. **If you're new to Python, or would like a refresher, start with** :ref:`python-basics`. **If you have experience with Python, go to** :ref:`python-packages`.