Source code for aguaclara.core.pipes

"""This file contains functions which convert between the nominal, inner, and
outer diameters of pipes based on their standard dimension ratio (SDR).

added to pipe database for schedule 80, 120 and 160 using 

from aguaclara.core.units import u
import aguaclara.core.utility as ut
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from enum import Enum

import os.path
import warnings
dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
csv_path = os.path.join(dir_path, 'data/pipe_database.csv')
with open(csv_path) as pipedbfile:
    pipedb = pd.read_csv(pipedbfile)

# TODO: Add a deprecation warning for this once manifold design code has been
# implemented. The socket_depth and cap_thickness functions are used in
# a manifold calculation in sed_tank, and can also be transferred to pipeline
# design code once manifold design code has been implemented.

[docs]class SCH(Enum): # value is the column name for a schedule's wall thickness SCH40 = 'SCH40Wall' SCH80 = 'SCH80Wall' SCH120 = 'SCH120Wall' SCH160 = 'SCH160Wall'
[docs]class Pipe: """A pipe using the SDR system, represented by its nominal diameter (ND) and standard dimension ratio (SDR)""" def __init__(self, nd,sdr): self.nd= nd self.sdr = sdr @property def od(self): """The outer diameter of the pipe.""" index = (np.abs(np.array(pipedb['NDinch']) - self.nd.magnitude)).argmin() return pipedb.iloc[index, 1] * u.inch @property def id_sdr(self): """The inner diameter of the pipe, calculated using the pipe's OD and SDR.""" return (self.od.magnitude * (self.sdr - 2) / self.sdr) * u.inch @property def id_sch40(self): """ .. deprecated:: `id_sch40` is deprecated; use `id_sch` instead. """ warnings.warn('id_sch40 is deprecated; use id_sch instead.', UserWarning) myindex = (np.abs(np.array(pipedb['NDinch']) - self.nd.magnitude)).argmin() return (pipedb.iloc[myindex, 1] - 2 * (pipedb.iloc[myindex, 5])) * u.inch
[docs] def id_sch(self, schedule): """ The inner diameter of this pipe, based on schedule and nominal diameter :param schedule: the schedule of the pipe (Ex: pipes.SCH.SCH40) :type schedule: pipes.SCH :return: The inner diameter of the pipe :rtype: u.inch """ myindex = (np.abs(np.array(pipedb['NDinch']) - self.nd.magnitude)).argmin() thickness = pipedb.iloc[myindex][schedule.value] if (thickness == 0): return schedule ^ " does not exist for this ND" return (pipedb.iloc[myindex, 1] - 2 * (thickness)) * u.inch
[docs] def sch(self, NDarr=None, SCHarr=None): """ The nominal diameter and schedule that best fits this pipe's criteria and NDarr and SCHarr :param NDarr: an array of preferred nominal diameters (Ex: [10]*u.inch). Default: None :type NDarr: numpy.array * u.inch :param SCHarr: an array of preferred schedules (Ex: [pipes.SCH.SCH160, pipes.SCH.SCH40]). Default: None :type SCHarr: pipes.SCH list :return: (nominal diameter, schedule) tuple or None :rtype: (u.inch, SCH) or None """ # get list of all (ND, SCH) available and return the (ND, SCH) resulting in the least ID available = SCH_all_available(self.id_sdr, self.sdr, NDarr, SCHarr) if available==[]: return None def sch_based_on_name(n): if n == return SCH.SCH40 elif n == return SCH.SCH80 elif n == return SCH.SCH120 elif n == return SCH.SCH160 def addID (p): # find id that goes with nd sch and add it to the tuple # p is of the structure (ND, schedule name) # outputs (id, nd, sch) tuple nd = p[0] sch = p[1] row = pipedb.loc[pipedb['NDinch'] == nd.magnitude] # 1 row df t = row[sch_based_on_name(sch).value].iloc[0] od = row['ODinch'].iloc[0] return (od-2*t, nd, sch) available = list(map(addID, available)) m = min(available)[0] return list(filter(lambda x: m == x[0], available))[0][1:]
[docs]def makePipe_ND_SDR(ND, SDR): """ Return a Pipe object, given a ND (nominal diameter) and SDR (standard diameter ratio). :param ND: nominal diameter of pipe :type ND: u.inch :param SDR: standard diameter ratio of pipe :type SDR: float :return: a pipe with the given ND and SDR :rtype: Pipe """ return Pipe(ND, SDR)
[docs]def makePipe_minID_SDR(minID, SDR): """Return a new pipe, given its minID (minimum inner diameter) and SDR (standard diameter ratio). :param minID: minimum inner diameter of pipe :type minID: u.inch :param SDR: standard diameter ratio of pipe :type SDR: float :return: a pipe with SDR and ND calculated from given minID and SDR :rtype: Pipe """ return Pipe(ND_SDR_available(minID, SDR), SDR)
[docs]@ut.list_handler() def OD(ND): """Return a pipe's outer diameter according to its nominal diameter. :param ND: nominal diameter of pipe :type ND: u.inch :return: outer diameter of pipe, in inches :rtype: u.inch """ # The pipe schedule is not required here because all of the pipes of a # given nominal diameter have the same outer diameter. # # Steps: # 1. Find the index of the closest nominal diameter. # (Should this be changed to find the next largest ND?) # 2. Take the values of the array, subtract the ND, take the absolute # value, find the index of the minimium value. ND = index = (np.abs(np.array(pipedb['NDinch']) - (ND))).argmin() return pipedb.iloc[index, 1] * u.inch
[docs]def OD_SDR(ID,SDR): """ Return the minimum OD that is available given ID and SDR. raises: ValueError if SDR is 2. :param ID: inner diameter of pipe :type ID: u.inch :param SDR: the standard dimension ratio of the pipe :type SDR: float :return: minimum outer diameter available :rtype: u.inch """ if SDR == 2: raise ValueError("SDR cannot be 2!") return OD_available((ID*SDR)/(SDR-2))
[docs]@ut.list_handler() def fitting_od(pipe_nd, fitting_sdr=41): """ Return the OD of a fitting given SDR and the ND of the pipe it will be fitted around :param pipe_nd: ND of the pipe to be fitted around :type pipe_nd: u.inch :param fitting_sdr: SDR of the pipe to be fitted around :type fitting_sdr: float :return: the outer diameter of a fitting :rtype: u.inch """ pipe_od = OD(pipe_nd) fitting_nd = ND_SDR_available(pipe_od, fitting_sdr) fitting_od = OD(fitting_nd) return fitting_od
[docs]@ut.list_handler() def ID_SDR(ND, SDR): """Return the inner diameter of a pipe given its nominal diameter and SDR (standard dimension ratio). :param ND: the nominal diameter :type ND: u.inch :param SDR: the outer diameter divided by the wall thickness. :type SDR: float :return: inner diameter of a pipe :rtype: u.inch """ return OD(ND) * (SDR-2) / SDR
[docs]def ID_sch(ND, schedule): """ Return the inner diameter of this pipe, given the ND and desired schedule :param ND: the nominal diameter of the pipe :type ND: u.inch :param schedule: the schedule of the pipe (use SCH.SCH40, SCH.SCH80, etc) :type schedule: pipes.SCH :return: inner diameter of pipe :rtype: u.inch """ myindex = (np.abs(np.array(pipedb['NDinch']) - ND.magnitude)).argmin() thickness = pipedb.iloc[myindex][schedule.value] if (thickness == 0): return schedule ^ "does not exist for this ND" return (pipedb.iloc[myindex, 1] - 2 * (thickness)) * u.inch
[docs]def ND_all_available(): """Return an array of available nominal diameters. NDs available are those commonly used as based on the 'Used' column in the pipedb. :return: an array of available nominal diameters :rtype: numpy.array * u.inch """ return (pipedb['NDinch'][pipedb['Used'] == 1]).to_numpy() * u.inch
[docs]def OD_all_available(): """Return an array of available outer diameters. NDs available are those commonly used as based on the 'Used' column in the pipedb. :return: an array of available outer diamters :rtype: numpy.array * u.inch """ return (pipedb['ODinch'][pipedb['Used'] == 1]).to_numpy() * u.inch
[docs]@ut.list_handler() def ID_SDR_all_available(SDR): """Return an array of inner diameters with a given SDR. IDs available are those commonly used based on the 'Used' column in the pipedb. :param SDR: the standard dimension ratio :type SDR: float :return: an array of inner diamers :rtype: numpy.array * u.inch """ nds = (pipedb['NDinch'][pipedb['Used'] == 1]).to_numpy() * u.inch return list(map(lambda x: ID_SDR(x,SDR).magnitude, nds)) * u.inch
[docs]def SCH_all_available(minID, maxSDR, NDarr=None, SCHarr=[SCH.SCH40, SCH.SCH80, SCH.SCH120, SCH.SCH160]): """ Return a list of tuples (nominal diameter, schedule) representing schedule pipes that fit the criteria. Meeting criteria means: has at least minID, has at most maxSDR, and whose ND and/or SCH are in NDarr and SCHarr respectively. Default: NDarr looks through all available ND, SCHarr looks through all schedules :param minID: the minimum inner diameter required :type minID: u.inch :param maxSDR: the maximum SDR required :type maxSDR: float :param NDarr: the preferred list of NDs to look through :type NDarr: numpy.array * u.inch :param SCHarr: the preferred list of schedules to look through :type SCHarr: pipes.SCH list :return: list of tuples in the form (nominal diameter, schedule). Example: (10*u.inch, "SCH160") :rtype: (float*u.inch, string) list """ #loop through all nd and sch available. #If find a pipe whose SDR is \le the requirement (smaller SDR=handle more pressure) # and whose inner diameter is \ge the id_sdr, # put it in a list. Send back that list. #look through array if given, else look through the whole list nds = ND_all_available()/u.inch if NDarr is None else NDarr/u.inch schs = [SCH.SCH40, SCH.SCH80, SCH.SCH120, SCH.SCH160] if (SCHarr is None) else SCHarr allschs = [] rows = pipedb.loc[(pipedb['Used'] == 1) & pipedb['NDinch'].isin(nds)] for index, row in rows.iterrows(): for sch in schs: t = row[sch.value] if t != 0: od = row['ODinch'] sdr = od/t id = od - 2*t if (id >= minID.magnitude and sdr <= maxSDR): allschs.append( (row['NDinch']*u.inch, ) return allschs
[docs]@ut.list_handler() def ND_SDR_available(ID, SDR): """ Return an available ND given an ID and a schedule. Takes the values of the array, compares to the ID, and finds the index of the first value greater or equal. :param ID: the inner diameter :type ID: u.inch :param SDR: the standard dimension ratio :type SDR: float :return: an available ND :rtype: u.inch """ for i in range(len(np.array(ID_SDR_all_available(SDR).magnitude))): if np.array(ID_SDR_all_available(SDR).magnitude)[i] >= ( return ND_all_available()[i]
[docs]@ut.list_handler() def ND_available(NDguess): """Return the minimum ND that is available. :param NDguess: the lower bound nominal diameter :type NDguess: u.inch :return: the minimum ND available greater than NDguess :rtype: u.inch """ # 1. Extract the magnitude in inches from the nominal diameter. # 2. Find the index of the closest nominal diameter. # 3. Take the values of the array, subtract the ND, take the # absolute value, find the index of the minimium value. myindex = (ND_all_available() >= NDguess) return min(ND_all_available()[myindex])
[docs]@ut.list_handler() def OD_available(ODguess): """Return the minimum OD that is available. :param ODguess: the lower bound outer diameter :type ODguess: u.inch :return: the minimum OD available greater than ODguess :rtype: u.inch """ # 1. Extract the magnitude in inches from the outer diameter. # 2. Find the index of the closest outer diameter. # 3. Take the values of the array, subtract the OD, take the # absolute value, find the index of the minimium value. myindex = (OD_all_available() >= ODguess) return min(OD_all_available()[myindex])
[docs]@ut.list_handler() def socket_depth(ND): """ Return the socket depth given ND :param ND: the nominal diameter :type ND: u.inch :return: the socket depth :rtype: u.inch (or the type of ND) """ return ND / 2
[docs]@ut.list_handler() def cap_thickness(ND): """ Return the cap thickness given ND :param ND: the nominal diameter :type ND: u.inch :return: the cap thickness :rtype: u.inch """ cap_thickness = (fitting_od(ND) - OD(ND_available(ND))) / 2 return cap_thickness