Markdown Basics

Basic Text

Regular text comes out normally.

Leave an empty line between paragraphs.

Regular text comes out normally.

Leave an empty line between paragraphs.


# To write a header, write a pound symbol (#), followed by a space, followed by your header text.

To write a header, write a pound symbol (#), followed by a space, followed by your header text.

## Add pound symbols to write lower level (smaller) headers.

Add pound symbols to write lower level (smaller) headers.


*To write in italics, begin and end your text with single asterisks.*

To write in italics, begin and end your text with single asterisks.

**To write in bold, begin and end your text with double asterisks.**

To write in bold, begin and end your text with double asterisks.

***To write in bold and italics, begin and end your text with triple asterisks.***

To write in bold and italics, begin and end your text with triple asterisks. (This webpage’s line can’t be bolded and italicized due to the limitations of RST!)

~~To write in strikethrough, begin and end your text with double tildes.~~

To write in strikethrough, begin and end your text with double tildes. (This webpage’s line can’t be strikethrough’d due to the limitations of RST!)


1. Ones followed by a period and space
1. make ordered lists.
  1. Ones followed by a period and space

  2. make ordered lists.

- Dashes followed by a space
- make unordered lists.
  • Dashes followed by a space

  • make unordered lists.

1. You can indent
    1. ordered lists
    - or unordered lists
        - to make sublists.
  1. You can indent

    1. ordered lists

    • or unordered lists

      • to make sublists.


To insert an image, put an exclamation point (!) before a link to the image.
![The display text appears when you hover over the image.](

You can also link to local files.
![This image is in ``docs/images``.](../images/logo.png)

Markdown supports HTML image rendering too. You can adjust the dimensions...
<img src="" width=100>

... and change the alignment.
<p align="center"> <img src="../images/logo.png"> </p>

To insert an image, put an exclamation point (!) before a link.

The display text appears when you hover over the image.

You can also link to local files.

This image is in ``docs/images``.

Markdown supports HTML image rendering too. You can adjust the dimensions…

… and change the alignment.


Code Formatting

To add formatted code, `begin and end your code with backticks`.

The backtick is usually found under the Esc button on your keyboard. It is NOT an
apostrophe (') !

To make a block of formatted code, begin and end your code with triple backticks.

def foo():
    print("Add the name of your programming language after the first triple backticks to add syntax highlighting.")

To add formatted code, begin and end your code with backticks.

The backtick is usually found under the Esc button on your keyboard. It is NOT an apostrophe (‘) !

To make a block of formatted code, begin and end your code with triple backticks.
def foo():
    print("Add the name of your programming language after the first triple backticks to add syntax highlighting.")

Note: In a Colab/Jupyter notebook, we replace blocks of Python code with runnable code cells.


| Heading | Above | Dashes |
| --- | :---: | ---: |
| Separate row | entries with | pipes |
| Use | colons | for alignment |
| Left | Center | Right |




Separate row

entries with




for alignment




(Alignment doesn’t work in this webpage due to the limitations of RST!)


> To add a blockquote, write a greater than symbol, followed by a space,
followed by your quoted text.

To add a blockquote, write a greater than symbol, followed by a space, followed by your quoted text.

Horizontal Rules

To add a horizontal rule, put three dashes (-) on a line.


To add a horizontal rule, put three dashes (-) on a line.

For some more ways to use Markdown, check out the Markdown Cheatsheet.

LaTeX Formatting

LaTeX formatted equations won’t show up on this wiki page, but try pasting this line into a text cell in Colab:

$$ a^2 + b^2 = c^2 $$

Please refer to this LaTeX tutorial to learn how to write equations.

Now, you’re ready to complete Interactive Tutorial 1: Markdown here.