Rapid Mix Design Solution

Create a function to return maximum energy dissipation rate along the centerline of a free jet given inputs of distance downstream of the jet (along the centerline), jet velocity, and initial jet diameter. You will find the Rapid Mix powerpoint useful in finding a relationship between these variables.

Use your function to create a graph of the centerline (maximum) energy dissipation rate as a function of distance from jet origin. * Use an initial diameter of DiamJet = 10 cm and a velocity of VelJet = 1 m/s. * Use a range of 7 to 20 jet diameters when creating the graph. * Use units of meters for the x-axis and W/kg for the y-axis. Make sure to label your axes correctly.

Colab worksheet plotting centerline energy dissipation rate

Energy dissipation rate vs Distance from jet origin

Fig. 95 Energy dissipation rate vs Distance from jet origin